Expedition UK to MALAWI




The fundamental ethos of The AMECA Trust is our belief that healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa can only be effectively addressed by an improvement in both the training and the retention of healthcare professionals. We also firmly believe that our initiatives should be sustainable over the long term, rather than provide a well intentioned but unsustainable “quick fix” approach.

Aims & Objectives:

1) Establishment of Bursary Awards at Nottingham University Medical School to fund final year electives in African hospitals.

2) Establishment of Sponsorship Awards for African students to study Medicine.

3) The promotion of final year medical elective placements in African countries for students at Nottingham University and from other universities.

4) The establishment of medical training facilities in Africa.

For more information on the Beit Cure International Hospital In Malawi please visit their website: http://www.helpcurenow.org/site/c.nvI1IeNYJyE/b.3389445/k.B837/Non_Profit_Charity_Help_for_Physically_Disabled_Children.htm?oldsite=true

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